Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Overweight at 24?

Yes, why as a matter of fact I AM. No, I am not happy about it. Believe me. But I don't want to see it plastered all over my MySpace homepage! I don't care if I am the only person who can see it. It screams, "FAT ASS." And I don't like it.
I am sure every girl can agree; We are never comfortable with our weight. No matter if we are 5'9" 125 lbs., there is always something there to pinch. For me, the whole child-bearing thing has killed my body. Not only did I gain 44 lbs. with my first child, but I didn't lose all of that before I got pregnant with the second. Actually I lost all but about 15 lbs., then gained about 25lbs. of it back. So I basically weighed the same going into my second pregnancy, as I did just before giving birth to my first child. That really sucked. The only good thing about all of that, was I lost all of the 22 lbs. I gained with my second pregnancy within 2 weeks of giving birth. But now. I am stuck at the weight I was at giving birth/finding out I was pregnant. Do you think it's my body telling me that this is what I am going to look like for the rest of my life? That is, before everything else starts to sag? Damn. If I were to lose weight, I would definitely need a tummy tuck. I can already see it. Losing about 20 lbs., and stuffing my saggy skin into my jeans. Gross.


  1. I am soooo right there with you Ashley!! I did hear from someone who did gastric bypass that walking helps ease some of the extra skin. Looks like I need to get my walking shoes on.

  2. Pregnancy killed my body, too. I feel your pain. Are you feeling any better? Any updates? Did you name that fetus yet? ;)
